Hamptons Marathon: Contact Us

Have a question?

We are here to help!  But first, your question may have already been answered! Check our FAQ page for answers to common topics like:

  • Refunds, deferrals  and changing your race distance
  • Time limits
  • Parking
  • Results & results corrections

Not sure how to use the FAQ page?

There are several ways you can find the answer to your question!

  1. Use the search bar: begin typing keywords (ex: defer, change distance, packet pick-up, pacer) and articles will automatically populate for you to click through.
  2. Use the sections – Pre-Race Weekend FAQs, Race Weekend FAQs, Post-Race Weekend FAQs – to find your answer. Once you choose one, all articles related to the section will populate.
  3. Tried both methods and still can’t find your answer? Click the “Submit A Request” Button in the upper right-hand corner of the page. A customer service representative will get back to you shortly!

If an article answered your question or was helpful, don’t forget to let us know via the “Was this article helpful?” field below each article!